Woman On The Verge Of Disaster

Previously posted on September 7, 2011 I’m a woman on the verge because two seven-year-old cats rule my home. In addition, my assertive move to combat this fiasco is to get four fluffy kitten wonders to help shift the power balance, to infuse some clear reasoning on the subject. A few more furry souls to consider in house-rule-voting should break the impasse between the two…

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What I Learned Today

It can be fun to cope with an aging brain. These days, I find myself distracted by so many interests. It’s a real job to refocus. I concentrate better by spending less time on Twitter. However, I’m still a spinning head on a toothbrush. An elderly friend of mine has been so sick. I hurried to her home yesterday, after picking up Boost, Ensure, Pedialyte,…

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