Oh Writer’s Voice – Why Don’t You …?

Since I was introduced to the juicy writing prompts Laura Davis posts weekly on The Writer’s Journey website, I’m in writing prompt heaven. They stir up my creative juices, as they did again today. Describe what writing practice is to you. My first inclination?  To scribble down “torture.” Because there are times it feels like that. Stepping on a nail.  Painful. Hard. Bloody. After I…

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Why Do I Write?

Why Do I Write? Let me see, I love yakking it up–or yukking it up, whichever tickles my toes at any moment. I love sharing a belly laugh with friends.  Sipping virtual coffee or tea and enjoying the musings of my tribe as we slowly start waking up–or at least showing signs of life from across the invisible divide. Why Do I Write? My mind…

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