My Feisty Writing Challenge

Hi everyone!

Yes, I’ve been silent most of this year but it was not due to a lack of care or concern for my goals and those of my friends (reading and book reviews).  That will never change.

I will spare you that, except to say that there was a death in my family early in the year. This reignited my depression, which compounded problems with my health. However, I will not let that define or claim me. What matters is that I rededicated myself to the work which consumes my heart and soul.  Writing!

I joined two Facebook groups–#500words and the #JulyWritingChallenge. In addition, I’m trying to get posting more often on some of my favorite blogs again like Roadmap, Women on the Verge, She Writes and others I found through these sites.

In October, I’ll be attending Laura’s retreat ‘Writing as a Pathway through Grief, Loss, Uncertainty and Change’. These six days will be instructive and encouraging, not to mention at Commonweal in beautiful Bolinas, California.

Did I mention that Nancy London and David Colin-Carr would be co-facilitating with Laura? I know it will be exactly what I need!

Happy weekend to everyone. Enjoy. Relax.

May your writing process be blissful.

If not, I hope you are ornery enough to clinch your teeth and stick to that page or keyboard.

Ah yes! Meet Meco, our twelve week old kitten.  She is waiting for me to dare approach my laptop.

Non-threatening, I know.  That’s her strategy.




2 Replies to “My Feisty Writing Challenge

  1. I also find it difficult to get to my writing when my whole world is taken over with a major event or a few coming together at the same time. Mine is still ongoing but I have got to the stage where I need to write to take me away from the tensions …. Anyway, I just need some time now and I will get on…
    Keep writing….

    1. Hi Maz, Major life event? I get that. I’m trying a compassionate but focused approach with myself. However, when I am sick I allow myself full days to recover, depending on the seriousness. Take good care of yourself and Happy Writing. You can do it!

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