Morning Song – Sylvia Plath

love set you going like a fat gold watch.

the midwife slapped your footsoles, and your bald cry

took its place among the elements.


our voices echo, magnifying your arrival. new statue.

in a drafty museum, your nakedness

shadows our safety, we stand round blankly as walls.


i’m no more your mother

than the cloud that distils a mirror to reflect its own slow

effacement at the wind’s hand.


all night your moth-breath

flickers among the flat pink roses. i wake to listen;

a far sea moves in my ear.


one cry, and i stumble from bed, cow-heavy and floral

in my victorian nightgown.

your moth opens clear as a cat’s. the window square

whitens and swallows its dull stars. and now you try

your handful of notes;

the clear vowels rise like balloons.


Sylvia Plath.

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The day we met,
class was starting
and I faced you, sat
opposite you in circle.
You were not shy about
showing people, you said.
Still, you weren’t
speaking to me and
I had not ventured
out into the world
since my brother died.
I was shy, nervous,
my balance jarred with
every smile, name and
conversation. When I
unexpectedly saw the scar
left by surgeons who removed
your left breast to cancer,
I was taken aback, not
because I was repelled by what
I saw or thought it wrong to
show it, not in the least.
It was only because I found
you to be so startlingly
poised in Your Self
resolved, strong,
as are all women
who must give up
a part of their being
to go on; it’s like
when children grow
up and move out,
necessity dictates that
Moms adapt and face a
new reflection, a new ‘normal.’
For you, like them, are ever
so lovely in your truth,
splendour raw and grist
fresh from your hard-fought
battle for life and love –
the intricate weave with which
we all dress, all that are gentled
by a lingering kiss of colour and breath.

Terry Gibson, December 2012.

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