Happy New Year!

Isn’t it incredible to start a fresh new year? Yes, it’s 2016.

Sometimes I find it hard to comprehend that. I mean, it is like being rewarded with a squeaky clean new life. It is not like those little folks whose first glimpse of earth fell on the 2016 side of the line, our future not past, only to win prizes and money sometimes.  However, it is a revered gift just the same.  With that, I celebrate a renewed effort, bursting with promise and hope.

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Bookmark_Terry’s Monday Motivational

Happy Monday. Today I am going to motivate each one of you, no matter where you live in the world.

Of course, no one sleeping in the dead of night will hear it. People who are out for dinner will devour their meal—unless their companion’s choice is so tantalizing, it sets off in them an olfactory rave. If midway through their work day, I hate to say, workers are already too far gone and in a synaptic free fall.

Yes. I have issued a break to all those people. You, my friend, are not so lucky.

Oh, wait. I am. My circadian rhythms have been off for weeks now. I fit into every group. In effect, I live in every time zone.

Time for tea, reading, food, a bath, and writing in the #SeptWritingChallenge. Perhaps I’ll recite poetry under neon lights while fishing. Anything is possible.

Until then, if you need a goal, inspire others.

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