Sh*t Teika Says[/caption]
Teika started her new mini-blog, “Sh*t Teika Says” and pecked this out for us with those bear paws of hers. (Good job, T.)
Five Things I Hate About Summer
I wait all year for spring and the blessing of my jumping and suddenly enthused hormones. It’s now July and even hotter, if you get my drift. I still haven’t quelled my urges. I started stalking the black short-hair opposite my window ledge.
The humidity drives me crazy. I can’t seem to drink enough water! This leaves me with cotton mouth which makes me livid. Add some of liver and giblets for dinner and I am one miserable feline.
I stand on my head to get attention around here. Everybody’s so excited about blogging, books, writing retreats and mini-holidays. Bali. Bolinas. San Francisco. I can’t stand it when people are happy, energized and motivated.
Even though I think my hair is lovely, they keep threatening to give me a brush cut; apparently I shed hair everywhere and it’s bugging them. Whatever.
Me. ME. WHAT ABOUT ME? I only care about ME.